Car Maintenance Tips
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We all are facing tough times in the coronavirus pandemic. This epidemic has gripped the whole nation rapidly and affected our lives badly.

This time is bad, not only for us but also for our cars. So here are some useful car maintenance tips which help you to save your car during Lockdown.

1. Choose Your Parking Spot Wisely

Best Car Maintenance Tips

Always park your car inside a garage or use a car body cover. When the car exposed to direct sunlight it damages your car paint.

In a lockdown, if you parked the car outside than direct light and bird droppings will cause damage to your exterior paint

so please use body cover if you park your car outside.

2. Do not use Handbrakes

While parking the car don’t use the handbrakes as there are chances that brake pads get jammed.

So while parking the car put your car on gear or keep the car on parking mode if your car has that feature.

But if you parked your car on a slope you can use a big stone or wheel chocks to protect the car from rolling.

3. Avoid Tyres From Cracks And Flat Spots

Make sure your car tyres are properly inflated with correct tyre pressure.

When the temperature goes up and the car parked for a long time it develops side cracks and flat spots on your tyres.

To avoid this Change the Tyre position at least once in a week.

4. Keep Up Your Normal Maintenance Schedule

The battery is like the heart of the car so it’s important that your car should start properly once the lockdown ends.

So the first thing you can do is to unplug the battery terminals and ensure the battery is fully charged.

The engine of the car is like a soul so make it pure timely by doing top-up of engine oil and refilling it with fresh oil because it is an already old engine oil so sometimes dust particles will go inside the engine cylinders and it will affect the engine performance.

5. Top-Up Your Fuel  Tanks

Maintain a good fuel level when you are leaving your car for a long time. As the air above the fuel would cause condensation it might cause corrosion inside the fuel tank.

If you follow these car maintenance tips it will really save you car from serious issues.

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You can also watch our special video on car maintenance tips.

VIDEO: Car Car Tips In Lockdown in Hindi

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